The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament is thrilled to announce the inaugural Big Rock Kids Billfish Tournament.
The tournament will fill the vacancy left by the Boys & Girls Club Billfish Classic in the North Carolina Governor’s Cup Series, taking place July 14-17, 2021.
“Part of the Big Rock’s mission is to promote marine education and sportfishing throughout Carteret County and the State of North Carolina. What better way to do this than to spark the interest in our next generation of sport fishermen and women?” exclaimed Joy Bell, president of The Big Rock.
The Big Rock Kids Tournament is hopeful that participants will continue to grow the sport by passing the rod to junior anglers on board. Boats will be awarded an extra 25 points for billfish released by a Big Rock Kid (age 16 & under), but anglers of all ages are encouraged to fish.
The board of directors is eager to present Kurtis Chevrolet located on HWY 70 in Morehead City as the tournament’s Major Sponsor. The dealership has faithfully served Eastern North Carolina since 1981.
“We at Kurtis Chevrolet are proud & excited to be the Major Sponsor of the newly formed Big Rock Kids Billfish Tournament supporting local children’s charities.” commented owner, Dean Wagaman.
The tournament’s primary beneficiary, the Boys and Girls Club of the Coastal Plain provides care to more than 1,300 at-risk and in-need children.
For more information, please contact Tournament Director, Carlee Sharpe at 919-801-8346.