HEADS UP! Please be aware of the Weigh Station protocol for everyone during tournament week! Questions? Please contact Big Rock headquarters, (252) 247-3575
As we are sure you are aware, we are currently under the NC Governor’s Executive Order No. 141 Phase 2. In addition to those guidelines, the following protocol will be adhered to at the Big Rock Weigh Station:
- Weigh station area will be blocked off with signage stating for people not to enter. Spectators will not be allowed to gather.
- The area inside of the blocked off area will be limited to weigh station staff and designated tournament staff; no more than 9 people will be allowed in the designated weigh-in area at one time (9 combined staff plus one angler = 10)
- Only one angler/team representative, with their fish to be weighed, will be allowed in the weigh station area at a time; the angler/team representative must remain in a marked designated angler area at least six feet away.
- When vessel is in weigh-slip, crew must remain on the vessel until the Weigh Master directs the angler/team representative to the marked designated angler area.
- Only one angler/team representative at a time will be allowed on the chase boat with their fish to be weighed.
- After the fish has been weighed & data recorded, the angler may be photographed beside the fish at the direction of the Weigh Master and only after weigh station and designated tournament staff have left the area.
- Tournament staff is required to wear face coverings, and we ask you to as well. Weigh station staff and designated tournament staff will provide their own face coverings, necessary PPE, disinfectant, and hand sanitizers; scales, tables and other frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected frequently.