Newport Historical Museum receives $14,000

The Newport Historical Museum was the recipient of Big Rock Foundation’s generous donation of $14,000 for the repair of the Museum roof and new shingles. The Museum is located in the historic Teacherage building on Chatham Street in Newport, across from the Newport Elementary School. The preservation of the Teacherage is paramount to the Historical Museum organization’s purpose to preserve the past and promote the future of Newport.

The Newport Historical Museum not only houses a collection of items from Newport’s past, but offers the following: (1) guided tours of the Museum, (2) lectures on the history of Newport by various speakers, (3) scholarships awarded annually, and (4) a military memorial room to honor our military men and women. A Civil War Park commemorating the Battle of Newport Barracks is located adjacent to the Museum.
The organization also preserves artifacts from the old Newport School building, which no longer exists. Many of the members attended school from grades one through twelve in this building and have fond memories of this time. Through its newsletters and reunions held in years past, many schoolmates relive these memories and keep in contact.

The Museum raises funds from memberships and donations, as well as several fundraisers including dinners, cookbook sales, and the purchase of bricks for the brick pathway located in front of the building.

The Newport Historical Museum is grateful to be the recipient of this donation from the Big Rock Foundation. Preserving a historical building is costly, and the money will be used for much needed roof repair and new shingles.
The Big Rock Foundation is truly an asset to the nonprofit organizations in our community.


Susan Davis, President, Newport Historical Museum

Big Rock Gifts Seaman’s Service Ministry $40,000

The Seaman’s Service Center was established at the Morehead City Port in 1971 and was incorporated as a 501(c) 3 organization in December 1989. The purpose of the Center is to serve the temporal needs of seafarers of all nationalities, ethnic and religious backgrounds who visit the State Port and to a lesser extent military personnel awaiting deployment.

The Center is located on the Port in a 2500 square foot facility. Here our visitors are provided a game room with a pool table and ping pong, a quiet chapel, free internet service, a TV room and refreshment area, and quiet phone booths for private conversations with family members. In addition, the Center has a 15 passenger van to shuttle passengers to retail shops, mailing facilities, restaurants, and medical/dental facilities.
During a typical year, Center volunteers will visit 120 ships. Each ship carries an average crew of 25 which means approximately 3000 seafarers visit the Port each year and our volunteers interface with approximately 1000 during the year.

The Ministry appreciates the support of the Big Rock Foundation in providing funds to help with much needed upgrades to the Center.

Operation North State Receives $5,000

Giving back to veterans and wounded warriors is what Operation North State is all about.

There were more than three hundred people fishing and hanging out on the pier.

What is unique about this event is all the wounded warriors and disabled veterans were able to bring their friends and family with them.
Retired US Air Force veteran Jim Kiger said he loves fishing, but also spending time with the others he served with. “This is one of those things that we do as ya know brothers in arms. We get together we just have a great time. Every couple of weeks, every couple months we get together all over the state and this is what we do. We fish we see each other, what a wonderful way to spend time together,” Kiger said.
This festival was free for the veterans and families to attend.

One of the organizers said this is only one of many other events Operation North State has throughout the year.

Big Rock Donates $5,000 for Coats for Children

Big Rock donated $5,000 to WRAL’s Coats for the Children, a major community campaign to support disadvantaged families in need of warm clothing for winter. Presenting the check were Tommy Bennett, Charity Committee Chairman; Crystal Hesmer, Tournament Director and Billy Kornegay, Past President.

Special Prize for 60th Big Rock!

Special prize for the 60th Big Rock Tournament.  We are giving away six Rolex Submariner watches with 60th Big Rock logo engraved on the back.  There will be a drawing each of the six fishing days at 3:30 pm.  Randy will announce the winner on the radio.  Every boat that is entered in the tournament will be in the drawing.  The boat can only win one watch during the week.

Rule Change!

In the 60th annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament there is a major change in Level 5- the Fabulous Fishing Level.  As always, this is a winner take all level with all of the prize money going to the boat that lands the first blue marlin over 500 pounds.  Starting this year, if no qualifying fish is weighed in, the total amount of prized money will be paid to the boat entered in this category attaining the most release points.  So remember to turn in your release forms.  It could be worth a half a million dollars!